A Contribution to the Multipolarist Methodology
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Peter Töpfer: Book author, publisher, journalist, translator, poet, musician, post-philosopher, post-psychologist, director of the Institute for Depth Truth (Youtube), since 1977 in the anti-globalist struggle, 1989: reporter in the GDR and Romania during the revolutions, 1989: Co-founder revolutionary weekly magazine „Der Montag“, 1989: Co-founder of the Party for the Reunification of Germany, 1995–1997: Co-founder of the Verlag der Freunde (publishing house), authors amongst others: Anatoli Ivanovitch Ivanov, Igor Shafarevich („Russophobia“), Alexander Rutskoy, Reinhold Oberlercher, Serge Thion; Authors of Sleipnir, journal of culture, history and politics: Alexander Barkashov, Alain de Benoist, Christian Bouchet, Alexander Dugin, Roger Garaudy, Tomislav Sunic, Jean Thiriart and many others, 1997–2000: author for Staatsbriefe, 1999: with Hans Cany (France) and Troy Southgate (England) founder of National-Anarchism, 2004–2006: Co-founder of the committee „Freedom for Horst Mahler!“, 2005: with Constantin von Hoffmeister Artists‘ Group Neue Deutsche Literatur, 2006: Participation in the Holocaust Conference in Tehran with the speech „Save the West!“, published in: „Исследование Голокауста“ (2007, publisher Алгоритм, Moscow), 2015: double CD „Wachablösung“ [Changing of the Guards]: German cover versions authorised by Bob Dylan, with an essay „I’m not there“; development of a new musical genre: Post-Passions (Youtube), 2015–2017: author for Compact, from 2021 on: intensiv examination of the thoughts of Alexander Dugin: – Alexander Dugin, the Great Awakening and the Radical Subject – the Libertarian Left comes forward: ready! (first part of the double essay „Kierkegaard/Dugin“ with „Sören Kierkegaard, Post-Existence Philosophy and Depth Truth. Emergence of Something from Nothing, of Being-there from Not-being. Noise & Eavesdropping. An Introduction to Depth Truth in three parts“ (Youtube version) (2021), – Are Russia, Alexander Dugin and his Radical Subject the Catechon of our Epoch? For a Fighting Community of Ultra-Leftists and Ultra-Rightists against the Threatening World Domination of Total Objectification! (2022), – Video series „Reconstitution and Radicalisation of the Nihilised Subject. The Emergence of Belonging – the Discovery of Homeland. On Alexander Dugin: „Eurasian Mission““, Youtube (2022), – Object-oriented Ontology and Alienation. The Devastating Influence of Science – especially its Discipline of Psychology – as Object-orientation on the Subject. For Subject-orientation and beyond that the Ón! (2022), – The Radical Subject as Katechon. Preface to Alexander Dugin, Eurasian Mission, (German edition, Arktos London 2022), Books: National Anarchy (2004), National-Anarchism (2004), Poems (2005), Save the West! (2006), The truth – telling it and living in it (theoretical basis of depth truth) (2006), Pan-Agnostics. For a theistic-agnostic alliance in the fight against the Great Reset] (2023), Translator of Serge Thion, Pierre Guillaume, Roger Garaudy, Jean Raspail, Jean Mabire, Gilad Atzmon, Robert Dun, Web sites: https://peter-toepfer.de/, http://blog.peter-toepfer.de/, https://nationalanarchismus.de/, http://tiefenwahrheit.de/, https://multipolaristen.de/, http://peter-post.net/, http://faultierfarm.net/, more information
In order to ensure the victory of multipolarity and the defeat of Satanist unipolarity, it is important for us in Central Europe and the West to support the Russian patriotic forces as the avant-garde of multipolarity, but above all not to support what Alexander Dugin calls the fifth column inside Russia, that is, the Satanist agents.
Of course, we must do the same in Central Europe and the West: fight for the independence and sovereignty of our pole, that is, unite all multipolarist forces on the ground. This is necessary in order to be able to lead the difficult struggle victoriously.
It cannot be our task in Central Europe and the West to close our eyes to the fact that there is a fifth column. We must try to make a distinction between the multipolar patriotic forces and the fifth column in every situation. And we must be careful not only to fight the obvious enemy but also to ensure that the fifth column does not nestle in our ranks or that we allow it to do so out of convenience and laziness of analysis. Black and white thinking is beautifully simple.
In any case, the fifth column must not be underestimated. If we do, we run directly – and under the illusion of doing something about it – into the unipolar nightmare that is already clearly looming on the horizon.
When we define the representatives of the globalist forces in power in a country, we usually have in mind a relatively small group, infiltrated within the political and administrative system, which serves the interests of the external enemy. And the external enemy in this context is that single, extraterritorial command centre associated with the Anglo-Saxon elites and the United States, which imposes a single agenda on all countries of the world. But with the outbreak of the fake pandemic in 2020, we have seen that what is usually called the fifth column is not only a limited number in secondary positions in the political-administrative system of these countries, but even the heads of state and the entire government team. In such cases, the term ‚fifth column‘ is too restrictive and too partial, and the most accurate formulation of these new geopolitical realities would be ‚occupation regime‘ or perhaps ‚foreign governance‘.
In fact, in my opinion, it is necessary to go beyond certain superficial interpretations of today’s international realities, based on an outdated or distorted reading grid. The time has come to recognise that the task assigned by the globalist elites to the Club of Rome as a theoretical elaboration and to the UN as an execution has been fully accomplished. It is the process of de-sovereignisation of all the countries of the world. Beyond the rivalries and conflicts between a number of countries and the collective West, a single agenda is blatantly apparent, imposed by international organisations affiliated to the globalists, but also by the common tendency to promote the same policies everywhere in the world.
However, a truly free development towards real multipolarity cannot be a mere and contentless slogan but must have concrete content and criteria to set us apart from the enemy. If we do not clearly point out this content, we run blindly into ruin, and Satan comes out laughing.
In order to keep these criteria in our consciousness and to name the content as the aim of our struggle, we can be helped by the catalog of factors as established by Iurie Roşca in his contribution to the International Conference on Multipolarity on April 29, 20231. Iurie Roşca is one of the most proven multipolarist and anti-Satanist fighters and a long-time friend and comrade-in-arms of Alexander Dugin.
These factors and the fact that they are blithely realizing themselves everywhere under our eyes should somewhat dampen the hopefulness of some all too naive fellow fighters and help to strengthen their eyesight or even cure their blindness. They are the following:
First factor: the Covid-19 plague and its threatening re-emergence anytime as an accelerator of the establishment of the New World Order and the WHO as an instrument of world government.
Second factor: 5G technology as a threat to public health and as an instrument of mental and behavioral control and governance.
Third factor: the cashless society and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the approaching end of human freedom.
Fourth factor: the introduction of electronic documents for total control.
Fifth factor: Smart Cities, Smart Things, Smart Bodies as the end of privacy and the building blocks of the global gulag.
Sixth factor: the myth of climate change and the fraud of „global warming“ as a significant element in reshaping our world according to the Satanic matrix.
As the seventh factor, Iurie Roşca adds all the signs of transhumanism and its twin brother, technocracy, as the final form of the Satanic world dictatorship. All countries would only compete, according to Iurie Roşca, for the fastest possible introduction into the „new normality.“
Wherever these factors appear, the enemy and its fifth column can be recognized. All actors are to be measured against these factors. In order to be able to classify the actors, we do not have to wait until attacks are carried out on them or until they are praised in Western media. Only the above criteria can help us make the distinction between friend and foe, point by point: between Satanist unipolarity and real multipolarity based on the independence of geopolitical poles as an expression of civilizational, religious and cultural identity.
It looks like the Great Reset emanating from the Western centers of power is also taking root in countries that claim to represent alternative geopolitical poles. The implementation of the measures dictated by the WHO against the bogus pandemic, the complete digitalization of society, the replacement of cash by CBDC, etc. are part of the official agenda of all BRICS countries without exception, as well as the Muslim countries that also claim autonomy from the West.
The globalist project that unifies all countries without exception is promoted in particular through the UN, as in the case of Agenda 21 for sustainable development (climate protection, gender theory, feminism, family planning, etc.), as well as through the Bank for International Settlements (the control of central banks and the imposition of digital money).
Another devastating and homogenizing factor is the tsunami of mass culture that imposes models of life, false values, and a standardization of dress that erases any traditional cultural identity.
Under these conditions – since the world is already globalized by the technological revolution – the differences between countries and cultures are dissolving at an enormous speed. And no state, no head of state, and no political force seem to oppose these homogenization phenomena that are driving the world towards a technocratic unipolarity of demonic nature. Therefore, the task of the intellectuals of the anti-globalist resistance is to make a fair and honest diagnosis of the state of the world today in order to propose practical solutions that will lead us out of this historical impasse that threatens to drive humanity into a terminal phase.
To be even clearer: in my opinion, a statesman who adheres to the principle of multipolarity cannot simultaneously promote globalist policies within his country. A statesman who opposes Satanic unipolarity is the one who firmly rejects the plan of a one-world government imposed by the above methods and instruments. Additionally, anyone who adheres to the above agenda is a direct representative of the globalist fifth column in his own country. If anyone knows of such national leaders, please let me know. An open and honest debate on this issue would be very welcome.
1 https://multipolaristen.de/multipolaristen/politik/internationale-politik/iurie-rosca-der-great-reset-und-das-ende-der-klassischen-geopolitik-30-04-2023/