(On Peter Töpfer) (version française, deutsche Version)
Preliminary information on oligarch competition, final development and deep corruption
Seemingly antagonistic forces (the West, BRICS) are in the end pursuing a single agenda, which can be called the establishment of a techno- or philantrocracy, the Great Reset or the transition to transhumanism. QAnon and ZAnon feign resistance to this agenda.
Some say that this agenda is one of certain masters (oligarchs). They say that while there are various competing oligarchies and one oligarchy prefers a unipolar-anal way to fulfil the agenda, the other prefers a multipolar, still somewhat traditional way. But the essential thing is that, according to this thesis, it is the oligarchies, or perhaps in fact only one oligarchy (bleeding Ukrainians and Russians to death), that is determining and steering the path of humanity into a completely new phase of its history. These masters are also briefly referred to as „Satan“.
But the determination and control by the master or masters is only one side. It has its counterpart in the allegiance and subjugation of the slaves. The slaves are not only victims of the interest-driven plans of the oligarchs, but in their passivity actively contribute to the implementation of these plans. We have this phenomenon both in the West and in the BRICS countries, i.e. the same „human material“. ZAnon may have well-wishers in its ranks who are anti-Satanist, but it is doing the math without the host. And the host is the people, such as they are. ZAnon – if upright – is far too superficial; the transition to transhumanism has much deeper causes.
The oligarchy’s plan is not only guided by its own interests, but the oligarchy also pursues goals for the good of the slaves and of humanity as a whole. It offers the slaves something that the slaves willingly accept, and not just Yuval Noah Harari’s drugs and computer games.
This acceptance of the oligarch agenda is conditioned by what I call „Deep Corruption“ (analogous to Alain Soral’s „sociologie profonde“, or „Depth Corruption“ analogous to „depth psychology“). In my new book „Pan-Agnosticism. Manifestations of Metaphysics and its Worthlessness for the Dasein / Existence. For a theistical-agnostic alliance in the struggle against Great Reset and Transhumanism“ (especially in chapters 42.: „Materialism“ is not necessarily soulless, criticism of philosophical mechanism does not necessarily lead to spirit(ual)ism, 45.: The anti-materialists would also have to become anti-spirit(ual)ists, but they are far from that, 63.: Science 3.0: the final solution to the problem of existence through the annihilation of feeling and meaning in transhumanism, 64.: The corruptibility of the human to become humanoïd and transhuman and 66.: The insufficiency of right-wing conservatives and the necessity of radical-left ultra-conservatism), I go into this phenomenon of Deep Corruption and describe how ultimately the slaves are grateful to the masters for pushing through their agenda. So the problem is much deeper than the intentions of the oligarchy, and also deeper than the sham antagonism of technocratic unipolarity and multipolarity
The phenomenon of global technocracy would thus not be the result of a pursuit of interests or power. Rather, we are dealing with the Human Condition.
With the term „human condition“, however, no ontologisation and no conditioning is meant. I do not think that – with all the hierarchisation of people – it is in the nature of human beings to divide themselves into masters and slaves, at least not in such an extreme distinction of members of the human species, where in the end there are indeed sheep in pens on the one side, and on the other an elite that enjoys the beauty of the world in absolute freedom (as far as it can).
I certainly don’t want to deny the sometimes sky-high difference between different groups of people and the insane disparity of power between them. Maybe I just don’t want to be put to the slaves (but without nevertheless wanting to belong to the oligarchs). Maybe I just don’t want the division into masters and slaves that certainly exists but will now be final. The distribution of roles is happening now. I do not want to play one role or the other.
That path of humanity into that „completely new phase of its history“ is thus conditioned both by the interests of the oligarchy, as well as by its philanthropic plans for the good of the slaves, as well as by the powerlessness of the slaves – but precisely also by the corruptibility of the slaves. But this condition – determination – is not really anchored in the deepest ground of the will of men – both oligarchs and slaves –, at least not in my will and the will of quite a few others destined to be slaves.
But there is another condition: namely for the prevention of the successful implementation of the agenda of the oligarchy respectively for that the corruptibility of at least those who have not yet resigned themselves to the fate of being sheep does not exceed a certain level. I am rather pessimistic about the corruptibility of the masses. There is still hope on the side of the counter-elite. And on this other condition we come back to the human condition.
The term human condition is wrong, the human condition has little to do with a condition, more with a constitution, a shape, a state of human beings and of their destiny. And it is this shape and this state of human beings that will determine and condition whether or not that „completely new stage in human history“ will come about.
Are we conditioned to be slaves? Or can we still offer resistance? To resist, however, means first of all to look critically at our shape and state and thus to examine the precondition for resistance in the first place. By „we“ I don’t mean the willing slaves, but the counter-elite: those who don’t want to be assigned to the slave army and end up in the world concentration camp, who don’t want a „completely new chapter in history“ and want to preserve something of the old world (the conservatives) – those who make a counter-draft to the Great Reset. Are we too so corrupt at the crucial junctures and situations that we settle for a sham resistance? Does pseudo-resistance serve us as an alibi for accepting one item after another of the oligarch agenda (CBDC now, what next?). Do we imagine we are resisting, and only dream of it, when in fact nothing of the sort is happening? Are the ZAnon well wishers also just corrupt? Do they too submit to technocracy only for some power and nimbus? Are they capable of and willing to self-criticism and self-reflection? This is where the human condition – that is, the shape we are in – (or rather the counter-elite’s condition) meet with the conditions for failing and finally becoming slaves or not.