Stefan H. Heuer: Western bourgeois, and Germans in particular, are at the forefront of brazen opportunism and inability to survive (2025-02-15)

“We have no obligation to take in Syrian refugees. We are happy to rub our political opponents‘ noses in the demonstrations in major European cities that are calling for the fall of Assad and the ’successes‘ of the Islamist terror militias, which our media like to call ‚rebels‘. These demonstrations show what kind of minds the so-called refugees we have taken in are made of.
Our demand for their return should not be based on the false argument of the security situation, but on the fact that these people represent the same ideas as the Islamist terrorists. Because of these ideas and their cultural incompatibility, we cannot tolerate these people in Europe, not because the security situation has changed.
The only exceptions that should be made with regard to accepting refugees in Europe are religious minorities, who now really do have to fear for their survival in Syria and for whom it will also be very difficult to find a reasonably safe place in the region. But don’t worry: both Christians and Yazidis from Syria are used to hardship. Most members of these minorities will stay there and fight, if necessary to the death.”

(Translated from the German original by SH; source: https:   //   /69952/syrien-ist-sicher-sicher (Please merge the URL manually; Firefox/Wordpress will not let the URL through as a link.)

That’s right! And the (real) Christians in the Levant have been able to experience the special kind of solidarity of their Western brothers in faith, including their leaders (Evangelical churches, Roman Pope etc.); the solidarity of those who have willingly helped (fundraising, tax payments, cowardly humanist lie propaganda) to flood the Levant with the very worst Abrahamic filth that could be swept up from the last stinking rat holes on this planet.
The suffering of the Christians in Iraq, on whom our “Western values“ had first gifted freedom and human rights with the help of democracy-proof bombs and who were then ravaged by the hordes of Western-financed jihadist “rebels”, never interested these splendidly regime-adapted moral masters in the West.

Now that things are getting tight in their famous Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), and that is actually to be taken literally, now they are getting shaky and demand changes, deportations, enforcement of LAW AND ORDER. Isn’t that cute? And they are demanding it of the very FRG that was once founded in the dark year of 1949 by the USA, UK and France, the western allied victors, in order to be able let the German people be administered by highly treacherous German vassals of the victorious power exclusively in the interests of the victorious power. How ridiculous these black-red-gold heroes are! They believe that they can request or even demand actions  that require the prerequisites of a state, first and foremost sovereignty, from a non-state entity acting under commercial law!

But instead of fighting for sovereignty, for our German homeland, they support a Zionist FRG party that exists solely to collect the ‚half-baked‘ bourgeois, those who feel or even recognize that something is rotten here, but who cling to their beloved FRG like a masochist to his domina or a drug addict to his dealer. And so they will once again dutifully rush to the polling station to cast their vote, i.e. to make themselves voiceless, so that the system that strangles, humiliates and disenfranchises them can continue to do so for another four long years – to the detriment of all Germans. And then they will retreat to their (still!) well-heated parlors and their manors, watch the unfolding catastrophe unfold (because they are not stupid, just mentally corrupt and cowardly) and once again moan about the miseries of the times. 

What unites these bourgeois puke bags as well as those blowhards posing as “new-right” rebels is their impressive ability to fraudulently cover up their addiction to material comfort, the satisfaction of their egos and their inherent readiness for glorious opportunism with a thin varnish of cultural flitter and pseudo-philosophy that deceives only the dull-witted.

As always, the bill will be paid by others.

But at least these wonderful black-red-gold patriots can be sure that the Syrian Christians and Yazidis, who are “used to suffering”, will not be allowed to enter the already packed to the rafters Germany. Even if, as described by the author, they do not want to stay in their homeland, which we have destroyed, and fight “to the death”, they would not be recognized as refugees here according to the new regulations quickly introduced after the fall of the Syrian Arab Republic – thanks to the Federal Office for Migration and and the German Foreign Minister Mrs. Baerbock. That, at last, could reconcile the bourgeois patriots with the Green party.

Stefan H. Heuer, M.A.,

historian, born in 1964, has worked as a lecturer in adult education and, among others, in Human resources development for a US-American company in Germany.